Basics of jumping

Jumping is an essential component of many athletics events, including high jump, long jump, triple jump, and pole vault. Jumping requires a combination of strength, technique, and explosive power, and mastering the basics can help you improve your performance and reach new heights.

In this article, we’ll cover some of the key elements of jumping technique, as well as some training tips to help you get the most out of your jumping workouts.


The approach is the first step in jumping, and it’s essential to get it right. Your approach should be smooth, controlled, and consistent, with your steps timed to build momentum and speed. You should aim to hit the take-off board at the right spot, which will vary depending on the event you’re competing in.


The take-off is where the actual jumping motion takes place. As you approach the take-off board, you should start to prepare for the jump by lowering your center of gravity and keeping your body in a balanced position. When you reach the take-off board, you should jump up and out, driving your legs and arms forward to generate maximum power.


The flight phase is where you’ll need to focus on maintaining your posture and balance. You should aim to stay in the air for as long as possible, with your body in a straight line and your arms extended. It’s important to keep your eyes on the landing area and aim to land as far forward as possible to maximize your distance.


The landing is the final step of the jumping motion, and it’s essential to land in a controlled and balanced manner to avoid injury. You should aim to land on the balls of your feet, with your knees slightly bent and your body in a balanced position. Your arms should come down to your sides as you land, and you should aim to absorb the impact of the landing with your legs.

Training Tips

To improve your jumping technique and performance, it’s important to incorporate specific jumping drills into your training regimen. These can include drills such as box jumps, hurdle hops, and plyometric exercises, which can help to improve your explosive power and technique.

In addition to these drills, strength training can also be beneficial for improving jumping performance. Exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and lunges can help to develop the strength and power needed for jumping.

Finally, it’s important to maintain proper recovery practices to avoid injury and allow your body to fully recover between workouts. Make sure to incorporate stretching, foam rolling, and rest days into your training regimen, and listen to your body to avoid overtraining.


Mastering the basics of jumping is essential for improving your performance in athletics. By focusing on elements such as the approach, take-off, flight, landing, and training tips, you can develop the skills and strength needed to become a successful jumper.